I want to get a youtube channel up for some tutorials I want to do but our camera is broken! So that will have to wait. So I guess here's what I know about drying and harvesting herbs.
I dry my herbs using a wire hanging in our basement and in our pole barn. The thing is to find a cool dry place to dry them. Root cellars and attics are also an option. Make sure that when you hang your herbs up to dry they are in loose bunches or the ones in the middle will not dry out. It normally takes 2-3 weeks sometimes less and sometimes more depending on what the plant is. Before drying any herbs make sure you wash them or you will have rotten herbs! And they will not store as long.
I also use a dehydrator that works really good! And it dries them fast! Put the herbs in on the lowest heat setting and check periodically. The herbs should crumble at the pinch.
Sorry for the really garbag-y pic! Here's my dehydrator.
I store my herbs in ziplock baggies. You can use canning jars and airtight container too.
The shelf life of herbs normally lasts for 1 year sometimes more. But it is so so important that your herbs are CLEAN before drying and storing them! I heard that a salad spinner is very good for rinsing the herbs after washing.
Harvesting herbs:
They say you should harvest the herbs/plants in mid-morning. Cut them after the morning dew and before the afternoon wilting sun.
Right away get them washed and hung up or put in the dehydrator.
Next time I think I will talk about how to use and prepare your herbs!
~ The Simple Herb Girl
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